The Small Wonders started with a broken wine glass.  The glass bowl seemed like something that could preserve some natural curiosity.  I began building little sculptures, suggestive of growing things, from fragments I collected from nature. I combined them with found man made junk.  The effect to me was like a pathetic reconstruction of nature by someone who never knew or only half remembered it, and wanted to preserve some vague semblance under glass.

Small Wonders, (D)    found materials, natural and man made   size variable

Selected Small Wonders (in situ)    found materials, natural and man made   size variable

Small Wonders (in situ)   found materials   size variable

Small Wonders (A)

Small Wonders (B)

Small Wonders (C)

Small Wonders (E)

Small Wonders (F)

Small Wonders (G)

Small Wonders (H)

Small Wonders (group)

Small Wonders (group 2)

Small Wonders (in situ)